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Aryel's Customer Story with Dog Heroes

+500 new leads and 30% conversion rate: Dog Heroes’ AR Marketing success

Discover how an AR Advergame campaign helped Dog Heroes drive first-time e-commerce purchases and improve lead generation.




Milan, Italy





Leads Collected

On the registration form


Avg Dwell Time

Spent on Augmented Reality


Conversion Rate

On first-time purchase


The modern business landscape is becoming increasingly competitive, making it difficult for brands to acquire new customers and retain existing ones. With the rise of digital channels, businesses are facing significant challenges in attracting user’s attention.

With the cost of customer acquisition also on the rise, B2C brands have to find new ways to engage with customers and at the same time improve the performance of business. Come to the bark side to discover how Dog Heroes successfully involved customers while getting new qualified leads, thanks to Aryel.

What you will learn from this customer story:

  • Dog Heroes’ need to generate and nurture leads
  • How AR helped Dog Heroes to sniff out new and qualified leads
  • How Dog Heroes leveraged Aryel’s AR to generate sales
  • Unlocking the potential of CRM, thanks to AR

Here’s Dog
‘s goal

Dog Heroes aimed at optimizing lead generation and customer nurturing, encouraging first time purchases on the new user base and cross-selling on the existing customer one.

To achieve this goal, they teamed up with Aryel, and developed an AR-powered gamification experience: an interactive game that uses Face Tracking technologies to create a bespoke and mesmerizing experience, in which users had a chance to win a discount on a chosen product.

Although discounts have always been one of the most widely used levers to convert or upsell, if not placed in a ‘celebratory frame’, they risk lowering the perceived quality of the product. And we don’t want that.

This does not happen, however, when the discount is given as a result of an action by the user, in which case it is recorded as a reward. Moreover, this type of mechanism triggers a sense of ownership over the discount, having completed an action to obtain it.

What Aryel
did to reach it

Before taking the game, customers had to choose which recipe they wanted to play with: based on the recipe chosen, they had to catch only certain ingredients and avoid others. This helped showcase the product’s ingredients to new and existing customers, while highlighting the freshness and healthiness of the recipes.

Users could also access multiple scenarios based on different recipes, unlocking exclusive content that showcases Dog Heroes products, making the experience more varied and engaging.

This “Catch the Item” gamification experience has been shared via newsletter, thank-you notes, and social media, and most importantly, was directly integrated with the CRM of the brand, helping Dog Heroes in the goal of feeding leads to the CRM.

To drive the first purchase, they distributed the campaign via adv, in which users were invited to play, nudged by the promise of a discount code at the end of the quiz. To incentivize a second purchase, a QR code was distributed on the thank-you notes that customers found in the package.

After just a few days from the launch, Dog Heroes collected more than 500 new leads, with a 30% funnel conversion rate. A tail-wagging result.

Unlocking the
potential of
, with AR

The use of Aryel platform to create and share the personalized “Catch the Item” gamification experience was a resounding success: Dog Heroes successfully engaged customers and increased brand awareness, leading to increased sales and revenue.

With AR technology, companies can create immersive experiences that will not only make customers feel more connected to their brand, but also make it easier for them to interact with the product. Giving users innovative and engaging experiences not only increases their loyalty, but also offers the brands the opportunity to gather data about the customers, their appreciation of the products, and much more.

Additionally, AR can be used to provide personalized recommendations to customers, which can increase the likelihood of making a purchase. The Digital Commerce Survey, a survey conducted by BRP Consulting, showed that 48% of consumers are more likely to patronize brands and retailers who use AR.