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AI Insights

AI-Powered Premium 
First-Party Data

Capturing human emotional responses, facial features, and product attention spots with unparalleled speed and scale using AI and AR technology.

Aryel AI Insights

What can you
measure with
Aryel AI insights?

How does it work?



Create an AR Display Ad Aryel AR Advertising platform. Browse through the tons of Aryel Ad Creatives types, tweak according to brand and campaign objectives, and hit the ground running.



Grab your media-agnostic AdTag and kick off your campaign, whether it’s through direct-buy or programmatic. Or, you can lean on Sonar™ for a 
more all-encompassing, integrated approach



Review your campaign’s performance and fine-tune your AR Creatives on the fly, without needing to pause the flight. You can also performs a pre-flight test and scales the results to incremental audiences and channels.

Emotion Metrics

Were they
happy, bored, excited?

So, consider this: your audience noticed your ad, but what were their emotional responses? Our proprietary facial encoding technology, delves deep into the objective physiological changes in facial expressions, like happiness 
and surprise, triggered by AR display ads.

Emotions Drive Decisions


of consumers with high emotional engagement are consistently loyal to their favourite brands.

Source: Brand keys


of decisions, including brand preferences, are based on emotional factors.

Source: Gallup


of consumers are likely to recomend a brand based on their emotional connection with it.

Source: Motista

Facial Features

Explore ad viewers’ facial characteristics

Scale your insights to different media channels and make your next testimonial and influencer selection based on the facial characteristics of your most loyal audience.

Product Attention Spots

Tactile attention to your products, quantified

Discover your product’s key areas of interest using Aryel AI Insights’ heatmaps. These tools will show you where users focus the most, zoom in, and the duration of their engagement. Make informed decisions about product placement in photography, as well as packaging and design choices, based on identified product attention spots.

Data enrichment

Maximize the potential of Aryel AI Insights by cross-referencing it with your data stack

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for answers to common inquiries

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What is Aryel AI Insights and how does it work?

Aryel AI Insights is an AI-powered tool that captures emotional responses, facial features, and product attention data from your audience. This data is collected through camera-enabled ads and 3D experiences, utilizing Aryel’s advanced vision tracking technology. This allows brands to analyze how users interact with AR ads by tracking emotions, facial characteristics, and key product focus points in real time. With AI Insights, you can create AR ads, launch them across various channels, and continuously optimize campaign performance based on real audience feedback.

What data does Aryel AI Insights measure?

AI Insights tracks three key metrics: • Facial Features: Identifies demographic traits, such as hair color or facial shape, to better understand your audience. • Emotion Metrics: Analyzes emotional reactions like happiness or excitement during ad interactions. • Product Attention Spots: Uses heatmaps to show which product areas users focus on most, helping refine design and placement.

How does Aryel ensure privacy with AI Insights?

Aryel follows a strict privacy-by-design approach. All data collected is first-party, fully GDPR-compliant, and obtained with user consent. Aryel is part of the IAB Transparency and Consent Framework, ensuring the highest standards for privacy and user data protection.

How can AI Insights help improve ad campaigns?

By understanding emotional responses and product interaction data, AI Insights allows you to fine-tune ads to better engage your audience. Emotion-driven insights can significantly boost engagement, as research shows that 70% of consumer decisions are based on emotions. Additionally, knowing where users focus on your product helps refine design, packaging, and messaging.

Can AI Insights integrate with other data platforms?

Yes, AI Insights can enrich data from DMPs, DSPs, CRMs, and other platforms. This cross-referencing allows for deeper insights, including demographic, behavioral, and emotional enrichment, ensuring campaigns are more targeted and effective.