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October 26, 2020
Suppose you’re old enough to have played video games in the 90s. In that case, you know what I’m talking about: fantastic scenarios made of not-so-tiny pixels and incredible adventures in 2D — young millennials were having the time of their lives.
Now, let’s take a look at video games nowadays: immersive 3D experiences, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality… we have come a long way since the nineties!
Why is 3D content so fascinating, and why is it so valuable for your marketing mix?
It’s just a matter of time before 3D content will be the norm, and the users will demand this technology more and more.
It’s not just about being techy and having cool content to show off: 3D content helps your ads stand out from the competition, captivate the user’s attention, and make your product memorable, disruptive, and even more unique.
According to Forbes, 3D ads increase click-through rates 5X and increase the time users interact with the ad. Moreover, 3D content can improve traffic quality, reduce bounce rate, and increase return on ad spending.
But there’s more: as humans, we live in a 3D world. Exporting this in virtual scenarios can knock down boundaries and blur the lines between real and imaginary. Our brains can easily interact with this kind of content; we better understand the message and are more interested in engaging. Not bad!
Think about storytelling: 3D content makes every story more engaging, immersive, and familiar to the audience. Creating a storytelling marketing campaign on a platform like Aryel can enormously benefit from 3D elements.
Do you know what’s even better than giving your audience 3D content? Let them integrate that with real life. And guess what, it’s precisely what Augmented Reality does.
Uploading 3D content on a platform like Aryel lets you create engaging marketing campaigns that blur the boundaries between reality and the virtual environment.
Users can try on your products, place them in the space around them, turn and move them as much as they like, making your content more real than ever.
Now that we discovered all the perks of having 3D content in your marketing strategy, let’s see how to manage it.
We listed the most popular 3D formats, just for you to know.
Of course, creating your 3D models is not easy — but no worries, we got your back!
On the Aryel platform, you can browse the third-party libraries and choose the perfect ready-to-use asset you need.
We are also continually making partnerships with 3D content creators to support our users if they need custom 3D assets for their campaigns.
Predictably, marketing moves toward bringing real-life closer and closer to virtual scenarios, making advertising more immersive, thanks to AR and 3D. Taking advantage of this at the early stages can help you stand out from the competition and boost CTR and ROI.