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June Product Update: new asset properties and controls, triggers and smarter logic

Aryel's June 2024 product update introduces new triggers, enhanced asset properties, smarter logic and revamped asset controls for even smoother management of scene resources.

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May Product Update: new Results of Interactions, HDRI lightning, Opacity controls and a refreshed platform look

This month Update rolls out crucial improvements: two new Results of Interactions to further increase the shareability of your campaigns, HDRI lightning, Opacity controls for every asset and sleek platform overhaul.

April Product Update: refined Face Campaign interactions and expanded VTO possibilities

This April, Aryel rolls out crucial updates introducing adjustable Face Tilt sensitivity and neck inclusion for Face Campaigns, enabling more precise interaction, setting new standards for interactive AR campaigns and further expanding VTO possibilities.

March Product Update: E-Commerce Plugins, Face Campaign Desktop Compatibility & More

Aryel's March update is here, enhancing your AR campaigns with e-commerce plugin integration, desktop face campaign support and direct social media experience launches for unparalleled user engagement. These features are set to redefine how you connect with your audience through Augmented Reality.

February Product Update: get ready to reveal and conceal with Show/Hide Assets

In this February Aryel update, we're proud to announce a new feature tailored to improve how your users would experience your campaign. Show/Hide Assets, a new result of interaction, is here to make the experience flows even more dynamic!

January Product Update: introducing Brand Kits and Interactive Media controls

January's Aryel updates offer new pathways to AR excellence: easy-to-use Brand Kits for style coherence, Playback Completion for interactive storytelling, and Toggle Video/Audio for masterful media control.

November Product Update: enhance campaign visualization with Viewpoints and Full Working Area Visibility

November at Aryel brings the heat with Immersive 360 Viewpoints and Full Working Area Visibility. Dive into the latest Product Update to discover how these features transform your AR campaign creation processes.

October Product Update: introducing Variables for adaptable and dynamic AR storytelling

The Aryel October Update unlocks new possibilities for immersive, interactive AR storytelling thanks to Variables. Learn how you can leverage this tool to create adaptive and dynamic user experiences.

Level up your Templates, Triggers, and Reporting game: enter the September Product Updates

Step up your AR marketing game with our newest features: industry filters, trigger processing, and 3D Viewer metrics reporting. Discover more in Aryel’s September Product Update.

Enhanced management for Assets, Scenes and Interactions: catch the wave of the Aryel’s August Product Update

Experience the fresh tide of updates with Aryel's August Product Update. Enhanced AR asset management, a new scene reordering feature, and smarter interaction controls.

Unveiling Aryel’s July Update: streamlined onboarding, Account Page upgrades and a powerful Template Search

Aryel's July product update is here, featuring a trio of exciting enhancements: a sleek onboarding process, a spruced-up account page and an advanced template search.

Juicy June’s updates: UI improvements, Fav Templates and a new ‘Try Now’ preview of campaigns

Dive into Aryel's June product updates and discover our 'Try Now' feature for templates, a new favorite templates shortcut, and a significantly revamped user interface.

Revolutionizing AR campaigns creation: Aryel’s shift from trigger to user-centric design

Say goodbye to jargon and hello to a seamless, user-friendly experience: enter Aryel's new approach to AR campaign creation.

Enhanced UI, environment assets for Web360 campaigns and… Wisdom Pills?

Get ready for this month's fresh news: enhanced editor, environment assets and new exciting training content in the April's product update.

New UI, working area enhancements, and a brand new AR training program

March is here and with that comes the March Product Update! This edition comes with big news: revamped UI working area enhancements and more.

Web 360 aka AR landing pages, tailor-made plans and more

Are you ready to step into a whole new world of immersive experiences? Well, hold on to your hats (or helmets, if you prefer) because Aryel's Web 360 is finally here!